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BFFs K-Pop Fangirls

BFFs K-Pop Fangirls is a simple dress-up game where you may be the ideal fangirl and show off your style! You get to outfit four stunning and fashionable women as they prepare to begin their evening of K-pop fun. You can choose what they wear, from head to toe, including accessories.

How to play

The game begins with a few text messages between pals that provide background for your characters' personalities and where they're going tonight, allowing you to better understand how to dress them.

"Finally, the work is done. Now, let's make ourselves the ultimate K-pop fangirls!"

This is the basic principle of the game. You should outfit your characters as funky and interesting as possible for a night out on the town and, more importantly, for a photo shoot where you can take real images.

By day, the BFFs handle their professional tasks, but by 6 p.m., they've transformed into trendy fans, rocking chic sweaters, vibrant-colored blouses, headbands, fedoras, sailor palazzo trousers, sneakers, and platform heels—the closet has few limitations.

Mix and combine outfits, haircuts, and accessories to create the ideal look for these closest buddies. As you dress your K-pop persona, make careful to reach the top of the fashion barometer before moving on to the next character.

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